Tag Archives: why dog bury bones

Why dogs bury bones. How dog dogs remember where they buried their bones?

Why dogs bury bones. How do dogs remember where they buried their bones? Why dogs bury bones? How do dogs remember where they buried their bones?  It always is amazing that our dogs seem to always remember exactly where they … Continue reading

Posted in Dog Beds, Dog Behavior and Training, What is My Dog Thinking? | Tagged , , , , | 10,320 Comments

Why Dogs Bury Bones

Why Dogs Bury Bones.  Part 1   Why dogs bury bones? When dogs were in the wild, the food supply was not always plentiful, or dependable.  On the rare occasion when there was more food than could be eaten at … Continue reading

Posted in Dog Beds, Dog Behavior and Training, What is My Dog Thinking? | Tagged , , , | 1,710 Comments