Trouble giving heartworm medicine to your dog? Here are some ideas.

Are you having trouble giving heartworm medicine to your dog?  Is it nearly impossible to get your dog to take his heartworm medicine.  Here are some ideas.

how to give heartworm medicine to your dog

how to give heartworm medicine to your dog

Some harmless hoodwinking may be in order, says trainer Mikkel Becker.  Her go-to move is the “three-treat trick”: Wrap the pill in a slice of cheese, then cover it with xylitol-free peanut butter (most mainstream brands are), or insert it into a hollow snack, like Greenies Pill Pockets.  In quick succession, give your dog one of his usual treats, then the disguised pill, then another of his usual treats.

Most dogs won’t notice (or taste) the hidden pill.  If yours still rejects if, thought, as your vet about switching to a monthly topical ointment for heartworm or twice-yearly injections for heartworm, says veterinarian Karen Faunt.  They can be pricier, but they’re equally effective at protecting your dog’s ticker.  “Plus,” says Fount, “there is the added bonus of saving your sanity.”

Source:  Real Simple Magazine

heartworm medicine for dogs

heartworm medicine for dogs

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Dog Training-Impress your guests with a well behaved dog!

Dog Training – a well behaved dog!  There is nothing more annoying than your dog jumping and knocking people over when they come to your house, and begging and barking at the table for some scraps of food. Have no fear! We have solutions for you! Certified Dog Trainer Jill Haley Rose, Suzie Pederson and her dog Charlie visited the show with some puppy etiquette tips.


Dog Training - The Well Trained Dog

Dog Training – The Well Trained Dog

Dog Training – The Polite Greeting:

  • Don’t allow your dog to “answer the door”. Until your dog is better trained, have your dog in another room, behind a gate, and on a leash before opening the door.
  • Teach your dog how to sit at your side vs out in front. This will give you better control while teaching him that polite behavior is the right behavior.
  • Give your guest some dog treats and instruct your guests that they only can treat the dog if he is being polite – not lunging or jumping.
  • Stand several feet away away from your guest and ask your guest to approach the dog while you continue to praise and reward his self control. The guest should stop about 2 or 3 feet away. If the dog continues showing good self control than the guest may approach the dog and give him a treat. Repeat this sequence 5 or 6 times.
  • If the dog rushes out fast or jumps at any point, the guest should immediately walk back to where they started.
  • Once this is going well for several trials, the guest may briefly pet the dog on his chest & neck.

Dog Training – Pet Table Manners:

  • Spend time first installing a basic down and stay: Teach your dog how to to lie down on a verbal and hand signal. Once that is going well, install a foundational Stay using a verbal and hand signal. If you are unsure how to do this, take a group dog training class or hire a private trainer who uses positive reinforcement training.
  • Introduce the training mat: Now that your dog knows how to lie down and stay for several seconds and while you are several feet away, start practicing with a special mat or rug that becomes his special spot. You can eventually teach your dog a “Place” or “Go to your mat” verbal cue.
  • Practice near the dinner table: Send your dog to his training mat. Use your Stay cue if needed. Walk over to your dinner table. Return to your dog. Praise & reward. Repeat several times.
  • Practice sitting in the chair: Once step 3 is going great, you now need to sit at the table for 1 second, get back up, return to your dog, praise & reward. Gradually build up longer durations. Randomize the durations so the dog doesn’t know if it is 2 seconds or 30 seconds.
  • Practice with dishes/ food: Once step 4 is going well, you will practice while you are eating a sandwich. Take a bite, put the sandwich down, return to your dog, praise & reward. Build up so you can take several bites before rewarding your dog. If this level is difficult, use gates or tethers as a back up initially until your dog is doing better.
  • Practice with your whole family: Once step 5 is going well with one person, try it for a real meal with the whole family. One person will have to be the designated dog trainer for the meal, getting up at random times and praising and rewarding the dog. Use gates or tethers as a back up if needed until the dog is doing better. At each meal, reward the dog at less frequent intervals until the dog can stay on his mat for an entire meal. Then he gets to earn those scraps at the very end!
Dog Training - The Well Trained Dog

Dog Training – The Well Trained Dog

Source: WWLP22 News

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Stop Halloween from Spooking Your Dog

Stop Halloween from spooking your dog.  It’s not just us that are spooked this month because of Halloween, but our dogs are as well.

Don't let your dogs be spooked this Halloween

Don’t let your dogs be spooked this Halloween

Explaining why this month is so dangerous for our dogs is Richard and Vicki Horowitz from Bark Busters along with Charlie, a two year old lab mix rescue.

Halloween can be a nightmare-from oddly dressed squealing kids and strangers ringing doorbells to unusual commotion in the neighborhood-all packed into one action-filled night. Dog owners may not be able to control external surroundings, but they can care for their dog’s safety and well-being.

The best thing you can do for your dog when he is feeling unsettled by Halloween activities is to act as you normally would around your dog. By over-reassuring your dog or giving him an unusual amount of attention, you inadvertently can communicate to him that because you are acting differently, there must be something to worry about. Have your dog get used to costumes. Your dog may see his family members as strangers once they don their Halloween costumes. Before the kids put them on, allow your dog to scent the costumes. If your costume has a mask, keep the mask off when you are with your dog because dogs can become confused when they can’t see our faces.

Don’t leave your dog outside. Even if you have a fenced yard, bring your dog inside where it is safe. If your dog is usually kept outside, bring him in a few times before the big night to get him used to being indoors. Sometimes a sudden change can put more stress on a dog. If your dog cannot come inside, ensure your dog has a safe place to go, like a doghouse. Your dog may be used to strangers, but so many little ghouls and goblins running about may be too much. Remember also that it is a natural instinct for dogs to protect the family from strangers, and on Halloween there will be no shortage of strangers.

Think twice about dressing your dog in a costume. While some dogs might enjoy being dressed up, many don’t. Experiment first to see if your dog likes being in a costume. If so, fine-he’ll most likely enjoy himself and the extra attention it brings.

Many candies-especially chocolate-are toxic to dogs. The severity of the toxicity depends greatly on factors such as breed, age, size, and how much candy was ingested. Problems may range from a mild upset tummy to vomiting and diarrhea, or even ingested. Problems may range from a mild upset tummy to vomiting and diarrhea, or even death. If you have any concerns at all, consult with a veterinarian immediately. If you want to keep your dog safe, make certain that sweets, including their wrappers, are kept well away from your dog. A wad of wrappers can block the intestinal tract-a very dangerous condition.

Source:  New Haven News 8

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Reading Your Pets’ Thoughts, Moods and Temperament

Reading Your Pets’ Thoughts.  Of course, dogs and cats cannot speak for themselves, they can only bark and howl, purr and hiss.

“The Secret Life of Pets” did very well at the box office by showing what dogs and cats really think, at least the animated kind with human voices.

Of course, dogs and cats cannot speak for themselves, they can only bark and howl, purr and hiss.

Dog Moods and Body Language

Dog Moods and Body Language

Still, it it not hard to know what your pets are thinking if you pay attention to their body language, say experts. And that can be very important in protecting the well-being of you and your family.

According the government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are about 4.5-M dog bites in the US every year. Cat bite estimates run about 400,000 annually, a high percentage of the victims are children.

“Children should be taught how to approach and handle pets, read their warning signs, and avoid high-risk situations,” suggests the Harvard Health Letter.

Here is what experts say you need to know and share with your loved ones about how to read your pets thoughts, moods, and temperament, as follows:


“Any single element of a dog’s behavior has to be considered as a piece of a bigger picture,” Dr. Lore Haug, a board certified veterinary behaviorist, says.

“The actions of a dog’s ears, nose, tail and body are like words, and you might not know what they mean until you put them all together in the context of a sentence.”

While you want to consider the entire body language the dog is “speaking,” below are what some of the individual elements can signify:

  1. Yawning: Like humans, dogs yawn for different reasons. They may be tired. “But it could also indicate a stressful situation,” Dr, Haug adds. “Licking lips is another a sign of nervousness, and when a dog gets scared, you need to worry about aggression.”
  2. Tail wagging: “Dogs wag their tails in different circumstances, and it’s not always friendly,” warns Dr. Haug. “Big side-to-side or looping wags are typically good.” But if the tail is stiff and the wag does not involved the back end of the dog, it’s likely feeling tense.
  3. Ears: If a dog’s ears are pulled back, Hr Haug says that’s a sign of fearfulness, submission, or aggression.
  4. Rolling onto back: People often think that when a dog exposes its underside, it wants a belly rub. “Sometimes that’s the case,” says Dr. Haug. “But it’s commonly a sign of passive submission related to fear. Do not pet them because they are feeling threatened.”
  5. Eye contact: “Dogs tend to avoid eye contact when they get nervous,” notes Dr. Haug. “They’re trying to tell you they do not want to interact with you. Soft eye contact, as opposed to glaring, is great because it means they are comfortable with you.”



“It’s important for people to know that the mannerism of cats and dogs can mean completely different things,” cat behavior specialist Marilyn Krieger says.

  1. Wagging tail: “Cats communicate with their tails, and when they are wagging it back and forth, that’s not a happy thing,” says Ms. Krieger. “It means they are upset, so don’t touch them.” When a cat is happy, it will often hold its tail up high.
  2. Purring: Usually, a purring cat is content. But cats also purr when they are sick or in pain. And there appears to be a biological reason behind it. Studies show that the frequency of purring can improve bone density and promote healing.
  3. Arched back: This means that the cat is frightened of something and trying to make itself look bigger.
  4. Exposing belly: Unlike dogs, when a cat rolls on its back, it is usually feeling secure and wants its belly rubbed, says Ms. Krieger. “Be aware. In that position, all their weapons are on display and ready to be deployed. If something startles the cat, its 1st instinct is to grab onto you, and you could get scratched,” she says.
  5. Scratching: “There is a reason for this,” says Ms. Krieger. “It’s not just to be bad and ruin your furniture.” Cats have glands on their paws and scratch to mark their territory. “They also scratch when they are feeling stressed and conflicted,” she adds. “It’s a natural behavior and you need to provide posts.”
  6. Bringing home dead animals: Many people think their kitty is giving them a present, but Ms. Krieger believes it is more a case of them bringing their kill into familiar territory so they can dine in peace.

So, you see it is not hard to know what your precious pals are thinking if you pay attention to their body language, that can be very important in protecting the well-being of you and your family.

Author:  Paul Ebeling

Source:  Live Trading News

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Taking extra care of your senior pets

To keep your senior pets looking good and feeling great requires a little more attention than when it was younger.

Senior Pets

Senior Pets

Our pets become senior pets after the age of eight, however over the past few decades the life expectancy of cats and dogs has been increasing. This is helped by a number of factors such as the availability of better nutrition, advances in veterinary medicine and preventative health care programs.

Both cats and dogs tend to become less attentive to their own grooming and upkeep, so require a little more help from you.

Commercial ‘mature’ diets offer great supportive benefits for our senior dogs and cats. High quality feline and canine mature diets cater for the nutritional needs of mature animals and provide the ultimate balance of protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. Many of these diets also help to optimize joint and oral health, as well as strengthening the immune system and aiding coat condition.

Orthopedic Dog Beds made from memory foam for Senior Dogs

Orthopedic Dog Beds made from memory foam for Senior Dogs

To optimize your senior pet’s health, we recommend 12 monthly vet checks for your pet until the age of eight and then six monthly checks for pets after that. More frequent vet checks mean little health problems in your pet are more likely detected early before they become big problems.

Just as with humans, osteoarthritis is a common disease in senior pets that can cause painful symptoms such as difficulty in getting up from a lay down position, stiffness or jerky movements, reduced playful behavior and lagging behind or limping when walking.

Your senior pet need not endure the often painful symptoms of aging and regular health checks can assist in the early detection of common senior diseases like arthritis.

 Dr Renee Pigdon, Dr Jana’s Veterinary Centre

 source:  BorderMail
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